Thursday 19 September 2019

5 not hidden and hidden tricks on Chrome OS

  1. shift+ctrl+alt; it makes your screen go spinning around and around.
  2. restart. you could apply chrome://restart - Hooray!! it can  do any updates required
  3. ctrl+shift+t; if you accidently deleted your tab, you can get it back.
  4. pin tab: oh no ! too many tabs! double click the tabs and then press pin tab for it will make them smaller. look; I highlighted pin tab .
  5.  ctrl+h. you can get history so if you need something long ago,this is the place ! WARNING: do not delete all history because you cannot  get what you are looking for.

Thursday 12 September 2019

plan for writing for kate sheppard


Angery GIF | Gfycat

Tuesday 10 September 2019

8 questions to ask kate sheppard

  1. when were you born ?
  2. who is your husband if you had ?
  3. how old were you when you started campaigning?
  4. did you have any children and if so, how many?
  5. what are the names of your children?
  6. did you know that you are on the NZ $10 note?
  7. how many people would you say that signed the petition?
  8. how many brothers/sisters do you have if you do?