Thursday 13 June 2019


hi. you  must_be_bored indeed.  :( don't worry! you might be dying if your parents ain't  letting you go on your gaming console, but I don't  get to go game! trust me, just be patient. it would be  a good amount of  work for you to get it.  Please be  patient and informed that you would get a lot of radiation from gaming PC and PlayStation  and Xbox  ( and nintendo, nintendo switch) although that has little less than others. so yeah, be careful!!!..........Thanks😃.DAY 2

hi again. I know that you are upset to GAME_ON but I have that  feeling too! even I sometimes play on my mum's phone and that would not  make  her happy. so yeah bye bye for today !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😬 

day I don't know 


  1. Heloooo Hood my name is GINA and I'm in RM 22.
    I think that your blog post is really funny and also interesting. Your parents my not let you go on a device at all so even if you are trying to be good but they still may not let you on a device. Well because you said this all true?

    Please be sure to check out my blog:

    Blog you later!

    1. that would've been so because it's just not education qualified, it won't help you with the knowledge and it will cause radiation. bye!


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